Ascend Borobudur
To unravel the mysteries of the Borobudur, appreciating the relief which meticulous compared to the Angkor Wat, narrated that Buddha's story and Buddhism's worldview. All of a sudden I have forgotten where I am…
Borobudur defers to the compass bearing design; suggest that the passenger enter through the main East gate. If adequate time, each just likes the clever axe finger of God fine relief, is not fault-tolerant. From the books knew that the pagoda mainly divides into three parts – tower base, tower body and tower top, represents leading to the Buddhism infinite universe to the high boundary - it is “heaven of desire,” “heaven of form,” and “heaven of non-form.”.身在佛塔里,欣赏着比吴哥窟还精细的浮雕,讲述佛陀一生的故事,佛教的宇宙观,一时忘了自己身在何处。。。
Borobudur是依照罗盘方位设计,在此建议旅客从东面开始进入。如果时间允许,每一层犹如鬼斧神工般的精美浮雕,都是不容错过。从书本中得知佛塔主要分成三个部分 – 塔基,塔身和塔顶,代表着通往佛教大千世界里的至高境界 – 即欲界,色界和最后的无色界。