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Monday, December 6, 2010

Ascend Borobudur

Ascend Borobudur


To unravel the mysteries of the Borobudur, appreciating the relief which meticulous compared to the Angkor Wat, narrated that Buddha's story and Buddhism's worldview. All of a sudden I have forgotten where I am…

Borobudur defers to the compass bearing design; suggest that the passenger enter through the main East gate. If adequate time, each just likes the clever axe finger of God fine relief, is not fault-tolerant. From the books knew that the pagoda mainly divides into three parts – tower base, tower body and tower top, represents leading to the Buddhism infinite universe to the high boundary - it is “heaven of desire,” “heaven of form,” and “heaven of non-form.”.


Borobudur是依照罗盘方位设计,在此建议旅客从东面开始进入。如果时间允许,每一层犹如鬼斧神工般的精美浮雕,都是不容错过。从书本中得知佛塔主要分成三个部分 – 塔基,塔身和塔顶,代表着通往佛教大千世界里的至高境界 – 即欲界,色界和最后的无色界。